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ZKSC-DC200 narrowband ad hoc network frequency hopping radio 价格:


ZKSC-DC200 narrowband ad hoc network hopping radio is a MESH ad hoc network radio station, which realizes ultra-long-distance data transmission, and the product has the characteristics of long communication distance, high rate, and chain construction time end, and can support the carrier to move at a speed of no more than Mach 2.5.

    Performance metrics

Support the business

Voice, IP data, location information, serial port data

Operating frequency

In the frequency range of 340MHz~6GHz, the user selects the frequency band

Business Data


4.8kbps/1.2kbps (rate determined by external vocode)

IP Data

Supports unicast, multicast, and broadcast up to 600kbps

Location Information

Network-wide broadcasting

Serial port data

Support point-to-point two-way, point-to-multipoint one-way communication

Carrier bandwidth

250KHz, 500KHz, 1000KHz can be set

Service rate

20~150Kbps@250kHz bandwidth

40~300Kbps@500kHz bandwidth

80~600Kbps@1MHz bandwidth

Receive sensitivity

≤-116dBm@250KHz, 1.2kbps voice

Networking capabilities

The number of nodes that can be supported by a single subnet is not less than 32

Movement speed

L-band, the maximum support node movement speed is not less than Mach 2

Multi-hop capability


6 Jump

User optional


6 Jump

User optional

Intelligent frequency selection

Through the dynamic real-time spectrum monitoring of the whole network, each node intelligently and dynamically adjusts its own working frequency within the specified frequency band range (or within the pre-set frequency list) according to the external electronic environment, interference and other factors, so as to realize intelligent dynamic heterogeneous frequency networking and effectively avoid interference

User optional

Frequency hopping capability

Frequency hopping rate


User optional

Hop on the spot

32 frequencies, 64 frequencies, 128 frequencies, 256 frequencies

User optional

Adaptive frequency hopping

Through the dynamic real-time spectrum monitoring of the whole network, each node intelligently and dynamically selects the frequency hopping frequency set within the specified frequency band range (no need to specify a specific frequency point) according to the external electronic environment, interference and other factors, so as to realize intelligent, dynamic and heterogeneous frequency set frequency hopping networking, and effectively avoid interference while high frequency hopping

User optional

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