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GNSS high-temperature antennas 价格:


1. Working frequency: receive GPS-L1, L2, GLONASS-L, L2 and BDS-B1, B3 frequency signals;

2. Polarization mode: right-handed circular polarization;

3. Antenna gain: zenith≥ 3.5dbi;

                     15-degree elevation gain≥-4dbi;

4. Direction diagram: azimuth 0°~ 360° (roundness: ±1.5dB, elevation angle ≥10°)

                  Elevation angle: 5°~ 90°

5. Axial ratio: ≤2.5dB;

6. Standing wave: ≤1.5dB;

7. Impedance: 50Ω;

8. Antenna isolation: ≥25dB;

9. Interface: SMA interface;

10. High temperature resistance: It can work at a temperature of 250°C for no less than 1min

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